Kids Safety Day

Kids safety day

In recognizing that education is critical to creating a strong mind, we started a program in August of 2007 called Kids Safety Day. We sponsor a yearly picnic with great food, music, and activities. These activities include a bounce house, horseback riding, games, and a dance contest.

We also provide vendors related to health and safety who share information and education with the families on many topics

Having the tools to help with education is very important. We end the day giving away backpacks and school supplies to all the kids.

Adopt A Terrace

As part of our commitment to our community and support of community pride, Buffalo Soldiers of Springfield MA has adopted a Gun Square Terrance, located at the corner of Westford Avenue and Westford Circle. We cut the grass, remove debris, and rake the leaves to beautify the neighborhood. Upkeeping the Terrance fosters and promotes a sense of community pride and reflects positively on the neighborhood.

As our Mission statement says “… families, and community are what we strive to protect and make better…”

Please contact us if you would like to participate and become a community clean-up volunteer.

seniors secret Santa

seniors Secret Santa

Our mission is to participate in community outreach. As we know, our youth are essential to the future, but we never forget our seniors who have paved the way in the past.

In 2007, we started the Senior Secret Santa Program. We adopted a group of seniors at a senior living facility. We provide a Christmas Party with food and entertainment for the seniors every Christmas. They are treated to a delicious Christmas meal and desserts.

Knowing that most seniors are on a fixed income, we like to help and purchase a Christmas present for them to provide for their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We obtain their grandchildren’s ages and genders and purchase toys.  We hand  them to the seniors at the party. It’s one of the highlights of the evening and always brings a smile.

Adopt a school

Adopt a school

Buffalo Soldiers of Springfield, MA, takes pride in supporting our community youth and has adopted Frank H Freedman Elementary School. Our partnership with Freedman School involves our commitment to and participation in ongoing activities that enrich our youth.

By participating in these activities, we provide guidance, support, and role modeling to the students, which fosters and enhances the student’s learning environment and overall learning experience.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Nelson Mandela